The goal of this art project is to attract the attention of the audience to start a debate/think-tank on Bauhaus and on different topics that impact our lives.
The Bauhaus Think-Tank project is a sort of “onion” composed of different layers, the outer one has the function of attracting the attention of the broadest and most varied audience (from intellectuals to youngsters), while the other layers have complexity and density of meanings that for percepting require a greater attention and/or knowledge.
Therefore the goal is not not only to talk about Bauhaus, its philosophy and principles but also about topics such as theoretical thinking and concrete action, freedom and oppression, war and peace, etc., which have affected the life of the Bauhaus as they keep affecting the lives of all of us.
In conclusion we want to emphasize that to be 100% Bauhaus is not enough to apply some of the well-known principles theorized by this “school” (projecting/designing an object taking into account its functionality, efficiency, and easy industrialization on a large scale) but it’s also necessary to apply these principles with the aim of reaching good goals.
Why do we use T-34 Tank to celebrate the Bauhaus?

–T-34 is a very effective communication tool to attract attention (this is very Bauhaus!)
–T-34 its shape was dictated by functional necessities and was designed to be produced easily and on a large scale by the industry (also this is very Bauhaus!!)
–T-34 tank is considered by historians as one of the key instruments for the victory against the Nazism, which had closed the school in the 1933 considering Bauhaus school as dangerous enemy (this is history!!!) P
Project realisation
For the realization of Bauhaus Think-Tank we used real T-34 tank painting it with graphics inspired by three Bauhaus colours (yellow, blue and red) and three Bauhaus geometrical shapes (triangle, circle and square).

We created a 3D rendering showing the design of our T-34 Tank:

Few more words about design of BAUHAUS THINK-TANK

T-34 is divided to two parts, two halves:
- One half of T-34 Tank symbolises the creativity of a man through the application of the Bauhaus method of creation of an object, which is primarily used for human freedom and human good.
This version of the tank is 100% Bauhaus because it was used to save mankind and protect the freedom of humanity, fighting the evil during the World War II.
This half part of the tank is coloured with graphics inspired by three Bauhaus colours (yellow, blue and red) and geometrical shapes (triangle, circle and square).
Furthermore some wheels are covered with the Yin&Yang symbols in order to always remember that every object and, in particular, every weapon, can be a tool used to fight the evil or to produce the evil.
- The other half T-34 tank represents the evil created by man. It is black. This part represents the application of man’s capacity for evil actions, the absence of light and the lack of spiritual enlightenment. Here we talk particularly about the harm caused by political and economic doctrines applied to annihilate humans.
For this reason, under the tracks of the tank we have put replications of spring flowers in the memory of the Prague Spring (where T-34 was used) and all other war events, which caused destruction of human spirit and freedom.
Bauhaus Think-Tank is exhibited at Stompie Garden, in Bermondsey
105 Page’s Walk, London, SE1 4HD

Facebook: ALT-G
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bauhaus.think.tank/